
Showing posts with the label diarrhea

Outrageous Insurance

  An Israeli diamond dealer, violently ill with stomach flu, remained overnight at an emergency room. Returning to L.A. Marriott, he felt better except for some diarrhea. I reassured him and handed over anti-diarrhea pills. “Are you Jewish,” he asked. “I’m a doctor,” I said. He thought for a while and then asked “Would you give me a discount on the bill?” I gave him a discount. After another pause he asked “Would you keep the old fee on the invoice that I give to my insurance?” I told him I’d already made the change. “But the insurance charged too much: $200 just for a week in America!” he complained. “You should kiss the feet of whoever sold you that. Wait till you see the bill from the emergency room. It’ll be about $5,000.” He didn’t believe me.